Saturday, February 18, 2006

Right now, I'm on a blogging rampage. Better to be bombarded than have it stagnate, right? :D

Okay, that's totally irrelevant. But the point is, I've decided, it's high time to spruce up this little nook which has been so still mosquitoes have already breeded in the thousands.

And so, I now present a timeline of the PL Debatolog (otherwise known as the debate blog)...

August 2005 - February 2006

February 2006 -


If you'd like a closer look, then click to enlarge.

Really, I much prefer the second skin. Although it's comparatively simpler, with fewer colours to boot, it's nicer. Classier, see.

Haha. I'm sorry to be singing praises of something done by yours truly :)

Just a suggestion, maybe we could fill the side column entitled 'P R O F I L E S' with some interesting stuff. Like, facts about yourself, of course. Nicknames, Birthdates, the usual.


Friday, February 17, 2006

Hey everyone!

Here I am to revive this blog of ours :)

So far we've been up to our necks with preparations for JGs. Just for posterity's sake, the motions we've had are:

THBT only native born citizens should be allowed to represent their country in international sport.


THBT alcohol and tobacco companies should not be allowed to advertise their products.

In both instances, PL was assigned the Prop side.

Just so you know, the 2nd preliminary rounds are going to be held this upcoming Friday at Deyi Secondary, somewhere in Ang Mo Kio.

From what I've heard, Mrs Ng has invited the juniors along to provide moral support. Everyone is welcome, and those who can't make it, please pray for the team :)

So far, things have been looking good. We've got Tiffany and Elizabeth as coaches, and Mrs Ong has now taken over the reigns. Plus, a nice new debate shirt should be on its way anytime soon. Hopefully.

Also, we're scheduling friendly spars with other schools sometime next week. Let's hope all debaters can avail themselves :)

And before I bid adieu, I've decided to change the skin once again. Please comment!

To everyone else, all the best with the common tests!

- rachael